Registration for the Metal Ninja Nation, our exclusive client community, is currently closed.

Metal Ninja Studios is not accepting new clients at this time.

New client onboarding happens a few times a year, and only for a short amount of time.


Why close Registration?

Metal Ninja Studios is dedicated to providing the best creative experience possible to every client within the Metal Ninja Nation, in accordance with our company values:

  1. Quality over Quantity
  2. 1% Better Daily
  3. Service over Sales

By limiting the number and frequency of new clients, we ensure that every new member receives the best possible onboarding experience and the care that their project deserves.

Do you still offer free consultations?

Yes! As part of our continuing vision to provide free information and education to the comic creative community, our CEO, Joel Rodriguez, still offers free consultations during our closed registration periods.

Each consultation is a 45-minute Zoom call during which Joel is answer your most pressing questions about the comic creation process.

How to I book a consultation?

Consultation scheduling is super easy! Simply click the button below and pick the date/time that works best for you.