Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: Two Lovecraft comic anthologies

Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: Two Lovecraft comic anthologies


Russell Nohelty

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Do you love Lovecraft?

Did you enjoy our first volume of Cthulhu is Hard to Spell?

Are you itching to return to the world of Lovecraft's gods and monsters with us?

If so we're back again for the second volume of Cthulhu is Hard to Spell, featuring everything you loved about the first volume, with even more Lovecrafty goodness.

These books are our love letter to Lovecraft fans of all kinds, from those that obsess about Cthulhu, to the ones that never want to leave Arkham, to the ones that keep a copy of the Necronomicon under their pillow, and everyone in between. Whether you are a casual fan or a rabid one, we've got you covered.

The second volume features stories by Paul Jenkins (Spider-Man) and Tony Donley (Grimm's Fairy Tales), Ray-Anthony Height (Wakandaverse), Christian Gossett in his FIRST comic book art duties since The Red Star years ago, and a fantastic cover by Aaron Alexovich (Invader Zim).

In total, over 70+ creators contributed 38 incredible stories to this 160-page hardcover collection, and the results are pretty mindblowing.

Plus, the first anthology is a 176-page hardcover collection featuring 35 amazing stories from 70 more creators, featuring stories by Lea Hernandez (Teen Titans Go) and Megan Hutchinson (Will o' the Wisp).

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